
Friday, August 17, 2012

Our lives shift like sands in the wind or with the rhythm of the tides.  We walk along the edge of chaos at all times.  What once was firmness and assurance, soon begins to move beneath our feet.  We can choose to be frightened by this movement, or look into the future with hope and expectation for what is to come.  For the Universe knows our existence and our needs.  Stillness and faith are our guide.  We will feel fragile, sometimes shaken, but we must stand assuredly on the edge of that which is being created on our behalf.  With love God fulfills the desires of our heart, answering even unspoken prayer.  Be still and know that I am God.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Midnight Musings

Personal space is a rare commodity in society. Our soul is crushed and invaded at every turn. The demands of our work and family life can absorb all energy if we are not careful to protect the fragile nature of our inner needs. It is however our responsibility to learn what nurtures the soul and then ensure that nourishment. What brings joy? What captures the heart? What quiets the chaos of the mind? These answers are the matrix of respite and sanctuary. Here is where peace and calm arise. Here is where we must reside even if only for a moment.